Writing a plugin to support a new model#

This tutorial will walk you through developing a new plugin for LLM that adds support for a new Large Language Model.

We will be developing a plugin that implements a simple Markov chain to generate words based on an input string. Markov chains are not technically large language models, but they provide a useful exercise for demonstrating how the LLM tool can be extended through plugins.

The initial structure of the plugin#

First create a new directory with the name of your plugin - it should be called something like llm-markov.

mkdir llm-markov
cd llm-markov

In that directory create a file called llm_markov.py containing this:

import llm

def register_models(register):

class Markov(llm.Model):
    model_id = "markov"

    def execute(self, prompt, stream, response, conversation):
        return ["hello world"]

The def register_models() function here is called by the plugin system (thanks to the @hookimpl decorator). It uses the register() function passed to it to register an instance of the new model.

The Markov class implements the model. It sets a model_id - an identifier that can be passed to llm -m in order to identify the model to be executed.

The logic for executing the model goes in the execute() method. We’ll extend this to do something more useful in a later step.

Next, create a pyproject.toml file. This is necessary to tell LLM how to load your plugin:

name = "llm-markov"
version = "0.1"

markov = "llm_markov"

This is the simplest possible configuration. It defines a plugin name and provides an entry point for llm telling it how to load the plugin.

If you are comfortable with Python virtual environments you can create one now for your project, activate it and run pip install llm before the next step.

If you aren’t familiar with virtual environments, don’t worry: you can develop plugins without them. You’ll need to have LLM installed using Homebrew or pipx or one of the other installation options.

Installing your plugin to try it out#

Having created a directory with a pyproject.toml file and an llm_markov.py file, you can install your plugin into LLM by running this from inside your llm-markov directory:

llm install -e .

The -e stands for “editable” - it means you’ll be able to make further changes to the llm_markov.py file that will be reflected without you having to reinstall the plugin.

The . means the current directory. You can also install editable plugins by passing a path to their directory this:

llm install -e path/to/llm-markov

To confirm that your plugin has installed correctly, run this command:

llm plugins

The output should look like this:

    "name": "llm-markov",
    "hooks": [
    "version": "0.1"
    "name": "llm.default_plugins.openai_models",
    "hooks": [

This command lists default plugins that are included with LLM as well as new plugins that have been installed.

Now let’s try the plugin by running a prompt through it:

llm -m markov "the cat sat on the mat"

It outputs:

hello world

Next, we’ll make it execute and return the results of a Markov chain.

Building the Markov chain#

Markov chains can be thought of as the simplest possible example of a generative language model. They work by building an index of words that have been seen following other words.

Here’s what that index looks like for the phrase “the cat sat on the mat”

  "the": ["cat", "mat"],
  "cat": ["sat"],
  "sat": ["on"],
  "on": ["the"]

Here’s a Python function that builds that data structure from a text input:

def build_markov_table(text):
    words = text.split()
    transitions = {}
    # Loop through all but the last word
    for i in range(len(words) - 1):
        word = words[i]
        next_word = words[i + 1]
        transitions.setdefault(word, []).append(next_word)
    return transitions

We can try that out by pasting it into the interactive Python interpreter and running this:

>>> transitions = build_markov_table("the cat sat on the mat")
>>> transitions
{'the': ['cat', 'mat'], 'cat': ['sat'], 'sat': ['on'], 'on': ['the']}

Executing the Markov chain#

To execute the model, we start with a word. We look at the options for words that might come next and pick one of those at random. Then we repeat that process until we have produced the desired number of output words.

Some words might not have any following words from our training sentence. For our implementation we wil fall back on picking a random word from our collection.

We will implement this as a Python generator, using the yield keyword to produce each token:

def generate(transitions, length, start_word=None):
    all_words = list(transitions.keys())
    next_word = start_word or random.choice(all_words)
    for i in range(length):
        yield next_word
        options = transitions.get(next_word) or all_words
        next_word = random.choice(options)

If you aren’t familiar with generators, the above code could also be implemented like this - creating a Python list and returning it at the end of the function:

def generate_list(transitions, length, start_word=None):
    all_words = list(transitions.keys())
    next_word = start_word or random.choice(all_words)
    output = []
    for i in range(length):
        options = transitions.get(next_word) or all_words
        next_word = random.choice(options)
    return output

You can try out the generate() function like this:

lookup = build_markov_table("the cat sat on the mat")
for word in generate(transitions, 20):

Or you can generate a full string sentence with it like this:

sentence = " ".join(generate(transitions, 20))

Adding that to the plugin#

Our execute() method from earlier currently returns the list ["hello world"].

Update that to use our new Markov chain generator instead. Here’s the full text of the new llm_markov.py file:

import llm
import random

def register_models(register):

def build_markov_table(text):
    words = text.split()
    transitions = {}
    # Loop through all but the last word
    for i in range(len(words) - 1):
        word = words[i]
        next_word = words[i + 1]
        transitions.setdefault(word, []).append(next_word)
    return transitions

def generate(transitions, length, start_word=None):
    all_words = list(transitions.keys())
    next_word = start_word or random.choice(all_words)
    for i in range(length):
        yield next_word
        options = transitions.get(next_word) or all_words
        next_word = random.choice(options)

class Markov(llm.Model):
    model_id = "markov"

    def execute(self, prompt, stream, response, conversation):
        text = prompt.prompt
        transitions = build_markov_table(text)
        for word in generate(transitions, 20):
            yield word + ' '

The execute() method can access the text prompt that the user provided using prompt.prompt - prompt is a Prompt object that might include other more advanced input details as well.

Now when you run this you should see the output of the Markov chain!

llm -m markov "the cat sat on the mat"
the mat the cat sat on the cat sat on the mat cat sat on the mat cat sat on

Understanding execute()#

The full signature of the execute() method is:

def execute(self, prompt, stream, response, conversation):

The prompt argument is a Prompt object that contains the text that the user provided, the system prompt and the provided options.

stream is a boolean that says if the model is being run in streaming mode.

response is the Response object that is being created by the model. This is provided so you can write additional information to response.response_json, which may be logged to the database.

conversation is the Conversation that the prompt is a part of - or None if no conversation was provided. Some models may use conversation.responses to access previous prompts and responses in the conversation and use them to construct a call to the LLM that includes previous context.

Prompts and responses are logged to the database#

The prompt and the response will be logged to a SQLite database automatically by LLM. You can see the single most recent addition to the logs using:

llm logs -n 1

The output should look something like this:

    "id": "01h52s4yez2bd1qk2deq49wk8h",
    "model": "markov",
    "prompt": "the cat sat on the mat",
    "system": null,
    "prompt_json": null,
    "options_json": {},
    "response": "on the cat sat on the cat sat on the mat cat sat on the cat sat on the cat ",
    "response_json": null,
    "conversation_id": "01h52s4yey7zc5rjmczy3ft75g",
    "duration_ms": 0,
    "datetime_utc": "2023-07-11T15:29:34.685868",
    "conversation_name": "the cat sat on the mat",
    "conversation_model": "markov"

Plugins can log additional information to the database by assigning a dictionary to the response.response_json property during the execute() method.

Here’s how to include that full transitions table in the response_json in the log:

    def execute(self, prompt, stream, response, conversation):
        text = self.prompt.prompt
        transitions = build_markov_table(text)
        for word in generate(transitions, 20):
            yield word + ' '
        response.response_json = {"transitions": transitions}

Now when you run the logs command you’ll see that too:

llm logs -n 1
    "id": 623,
    "model": "markov",
    "prompt": "the cat sat on the mat",
    "system": null,
    "prompt_json": null,
    "options_json": {},
    "response": "on the mat the cat sat on the cat sat on the mat sat on the cat sat on the ",
    "response_json": {
      "transitions": {
        "the": [
        "cat": [
        "sat": [
        "on": [
    "reply_to_id": null,
    "chat_id": null,
    "duration_ms": 0,
    "datetime_utc": "2023-07-06T01:34:45.376637"

In this particular case this isn’t a great idea here though: the transitions table is duplicate information, since it can be reproduced from the input data - and it can get really large for longer prompts.

Adding options#

LLM models can take options. For large language models these can be things like temperature or top_k.

Options are passed using the -o/--option command line parameters, for example:

llm -m gpt4 "ten pet pelican names" -o temperature 1.5

We’re going to add two options to our Markov chain model:

  • length: Number of words to generate

  • delay: a floating point number of Delay in between output token

The delay token will let us simulate a streaming language model, where tokens take time to generate and are returned by the execute() function as they become ready.

Options are defined using an inner class on the model, called Options. It should extend the llm.Options class.

First, add this import to the top of your llm_markov.py file:

from typing import Optional

Then add this Options class to your model:

class Markov(Model):
    model_id = "markov"

    class Options(llm.Options):
        length: Optional[int] = None
        delay: Optional[float] = None

Let’s add extra validation rules to our options. Length must be at least 2. Duration must be between 0 and 10.

The Options class uses Pydantic 2, which can support all sorts of advanced validation rules.

We can also add inline documentation, which can then be displayed by the llm models --options command.

Add these imports to the top of llm_markov.py:

from pydantic import field_validator, Field

We can now add Pydantic field validators for our two new rules, plus inline documentation:

    class Options(llm.Options):
        length: Optional[int] = Field(
            description="Number of words to generate",
        delay: Optional[float] = Field(
            description="Seconds to delay between each token",

        def validate_length(cls, length):
            if length is None:
                return None
            if length < 2:
                raise ValueError("length must be >= 2")
            return length

        def validate_delay(cls, delay):
            if delay is None:
                return None
            if not 0 <= delay <= 10:
                raise ValueError("delay must be between 0 and 10")
            return delay

Lets test our options validation:

llm -m markov "the cat sat on the mat" -o length -1
Error: length
  Value error, length must be >= 2

Next, we will modify our execute() method to handle those options. Add this to the beginning of llm_markov.py:

import time

Then replace the execute() method with this one:

    def execute(self, prompt, stream, response, conversation):
        text = prompt.prompt
        transitions = build_markov_table(text)
        length = prompt.options.length or 20
        for word in generate(transitions, length):
            yield word + ' '
            if prompt.options.delay:

Add can_stream = True to the top of the Markov model class, on the line below `model_id = “markov”. This tells LLM that the model is able to stream content to the console.

The full llm_markov.py file should now look like this:

import llm
import random
import time
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import field_validator, Field

def register_models(register):

def build_markov_table(text):
    words = text.split()
    transitions = {}
    # Loop through all but the last word
    for i in range(len(words) - 1):
        word = words[i]
        next_word = words[i + 1]
        transitions.setdefault(word, []).append(next_word)
    return transitions

def generate(transitions, length, start_word=None):
    all_words = list(transitions.keys())
    next_word = start_word or random.choice(all_words)
    for i in range(length):
        yield next_word
        options = transitions.get(next_word) or all_words
        next_word = random.choice(options)

class Markov(llm.Model):
    model_id = "markov"
    can_stream = True

    class Options(llm.Options):
        length: Optional[int] = Field(
            description="Number of words to generate", default=None
        delay: Optional[float] = Field(
            description="Seconds to delay between each token", default=None

        def validate_length(cls, length):
            if length is None:
                return None
            if length < 2:
                raise ValueError("length must be >= 2")
            return length

        def validate_delay(cls, delay):
            if delay is None:
                return None
            if not 0 <= delay <= 10:
                raise ValueError("delay must be between 0 and 10")
            return delay

    def execute(self, prompt, stream, response, conversation):
        text = prompt.prompt
        transitions = build_markov_table(text)
        length = prompt.options.length or 20
        for word in generate(transitions, length):
            yield word + " "
            if prompt.options.delay:

Now we can request a 20 word completion with a 0.1s delay between tokens like this:

llm -m markov "the cat sat on the mat" \
  -o length 20 -o delay 0.1

LLM provides a --no-stream option users can use to turn off streaming. Using that option causes LLM to gather the response from the stream and then return it to the console in one block. You can try that like this:

llm -m markov "the cat sat on the mat" \
  -o length 20 -o delay 0.1 --no-stream

In this case it will still delay for 2s total while it gathers the tokens, then output them all at once.

That --no-stream option causes the stream argument passed to execute() to be false. Your execute() method can then behave differently depending on whether it is streaming or not.

Options are also logged to the database. You can see those here:

llm logs -n 1
    "id": 636,
    "model": "markov",
    "prompt": "the cat sat on the mat",
    "system": null,
    "prompt_json": null,
    "options_json": {
      "length": 20,
      "delay": 0.1
    "response": "the mat on the mat on the cat sat on the mat sat on the mat cat sat on the ",
    "response_json": null,
    "reply_to_id": null,
    "chat_id": null,
    "duration_ms": 2063,
    "datetime_utc": "2023-07-07T03:02:28.232970"

Distributing your plugin#

There are many different options for distributing your new plugin so other people can try it out.

You can create a downloadable wheel or .zip or .tar.gz files, or share the plugin through GitHub Gists or repositories.

You can also publish your plugin to PyPI, the Python Package Index.

Wheels and sdist packages#

The easiest option is to produce a distributable package is to use the build command. First, install the build package by running this:

python -m pip install build

Then run build in your plugin directory to create the packages:

python -m build

This will create two files: dist/llm-markov-0.1.tar.gz and dist/llm-markov-0.1-py3-none-any.whl.

Either of these files can be used to install the plugin:

llm install dist/llm_markov-0.1-py3-none-any.whl

If you host this file somewhere online other people will be able to install it using pip install against the URL to your package:

llm install 'https://.../llm_markov-0.1-py3-none-any.whl'

You can run the following command at any time to uninstall your plugin, which is useful for testing out different installation methods:

llm uninstall llm-markov -y

GitHub Gists#

A neat quick option for distributing a simple plugin is to host it in a GitHub Gist. These are available for free with a GitHub account, and can be public or private. Gists can contain multiple files but don’t support directory structures - which is OK, because our plugin is just two files, pyproject.toml and llm_markov.py.

Here’s an example Gist I created for this tutorial:


You can turn a Gist into an installable .zip URL by right-clicking on the “Download ZIP” button and selecting “Copy Link”. Here’s that link for my example Gist:


The plugin can be installed using the llm install command like this:

llm install 'https://gist.github.com/simonw/6e56d48dc2599bffba963cef0db27b6d/archive/cc50c854414cb4deab3e3ab17e7e1e07d45cba0c.zip'

GitHub repositories#

The same trick works for regular GitHub repositories as well: the “Download ZIP” button can be found by clicking the green “Code” button at the top of the repository. The URL which that provide scan then be used to install the plugin that lives in that repository.

Publishing plugins to PyPI#

The Python Package Index (PyPI) is the official repository for Python packages. You can upload your plugin to PyPI and reserve a name for it - once you have done that, anyone will be able to install your plugin using llm install <name>.

Follow these instructions to publish a package to PyPI. The short version:

python -m pip install twine
python -m twine upload dist/*

You will need an account on PyPI, then you can enter your username and password - or create a token in the PyPI settings and use __token__ as the username and the token as the password.

Adding metadata#

Before uploading a package to PyPI it’s a good idea to add documentation and expand pyproject.toml with additional metadata.

Create a README.md file in the root of your plugin directory with instructions about how to install, configure and use your plugin.

You can then replace pyproject.toml with something like this:

name = "llm-markov"
version = "0.1"
description = "Plugin for LLM adding a Markov chain generating model"
readme = "README.md"
authors = [{name = "Simon Willison"}]
license = {text = "Apache-2.0"}
classifiers = [
    "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License"
dependencies = [
requires-python = ">3.7"

Homepage = "https://github.com/simonw/llm-markov"
Changelog = "https://github.com/simonw/llm-markov/releases"
Issues = "https://github.com/simonw/llm-markov/issues"

markov = "llm_markov"

This will pull in your README to be displayed as part of your project’s listing page on PyPI.

It adds llm as a dependency, ensuring it will be installed if someone tries to install your plugin package without it.

It adds some links to useful pages (you can drop the project.urls section if those links are not useful for your project).

You should drop a LICENSE file into the GitHub repository for your package as well. I like to use the Apache 2 license like this.

What to do if it breaks#

Sometimes you may make a change to your plugin that causes it to break, preventing llm from starting. For example you may see an error like this one:

$ llm 'hi'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File llm-markov/llm_markov.py", line 10
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

You may find that you are unable to uninstall the plugin using llm uninstall llm-markov because the command itself fails with the same error.

Should this happen, you can uninstall the plugin after first disabling it using the LLM_LOAD_PLUGINS environment variable like this:

LLM_LOAD_PLUGINS='' llm uninstall llm-markov