Installing plugins#

Plugins must be installed in the same virtual environment as LLM itself.

You can find names of plugins to install in the plugin directory

Use the llm install command (a thin wrapper around pip install) to install plugins in the correct environment:

llm install llm-gpt4all

Plugins can be uninstalled with llm uninstall:

llm uninstall llm-gpt4all -y

The -y flag skips asking for confirmation.

You can see additional models that have been added by plugins by running:

llm models

Or add --options to include details of the options available for each model:

llm models --options

To run a prompt against a newly installed model, pass its name as the -m/--model option:

llm -m orca-mini-3b-gguf2-q4_0 'What is the capital of France?'

Listing installed plugins#

Run llm plugins to list installed plugins:

llm plugins
    "name": "llm-mpt30b",
    "hooks": [
    "version": "0.1"
    "name": "llm-palm",
    "hooks": [
    "version": "0.1"
    "name": "llm.default_plugins.openai_models",
    "hooks": [
    "name": "llm-gpt4all",
    "hooks": [
    "version": "0.1"

Running with a subset of plugins#

By default, LLM will load all plugins that are installed in the same virtual environment as LLM itself.

You can control the set of plugins that is loaded using the LLM_LOAD_PLUGINS environment variable.

Set that to the empty string to disable all plugins:


Or to a comma-separated list of plugin names to load only those plugins:

LLM_LOAD_PLUGINS='llm-gpt4all,llm-cluster' llm ...

You can use the llm plugins command to check that it is working correctly:

LLM_LOAD_PLUGINS='' llm plugins